Site Opening

It was our first full day on site today, and it was a beautiful day. We laid in some new excavation units (one of course, was under the backdirt pile from last year!). Our first goals for this field season are to uncover the north wall, join two partially excavated trenches in the south wall, and finally to figure out if the fill inside the eastern half of the structure is sterile and how the eastern wall was constructed.

We had several visitors, which was a great chance for some of our crew to talk about what we are doing with the public. We are very pleased with the day’s progress, and the site is coming alive again, it doesn’t look quite so forlorn. Here are some pictures from the day:

Collette records field notes while Brooke and Joel work at clearing Context 4 from the interior of the structure.
Collette records field notes while Brooke and Joel work at clearing Context 4 from the interior of the structure.
Wayne, Anthony, Jodie, Katie, Caedda, Dan, and Sarah work at removing the sod from the new trench laid in over Wall 13.
Wayne, Jodie, Caedda, Dan, and Sarah work at removing the sod from the new trench laid in over Wall 13.
Danny is working at removing Context 7 from the western portion of the south wall. This will join up two of our open excavation units from last year.
Danny is working at removing Context 7 from the western portion of the south wall. This will join up two of our open excavation units from last year.
Mary working at the western extent of the new southern trench.
Mary working at the western extent of the new southern trench.
Charlotte spent part of the day working the screen for Context 7, and found some great artifacts today!
Charlotte spent part of the day working the screen for Context 7, and found some great artifacts today!
Dan, Anthony, Jodie, Nic, Caedda and Stephanie were hard at work opening up the new trench. Not many artifacts today but that will change, promise!
Dan, Anthony, Jodie, Nic, Caedda and Stephanie were part of the crew assigned to opening up the new trench. Not many artifacts today but that will change, promise!
Jodie and Katie kept the buckets empty with their dedicated screening!
Jodie and Katie kept the buckets empty with their dedicated screening!
North wall trench underway, it will be great to see the full extent of how the structure wall and the basement wall relate to each other.
North wall trench underway, it will be great to see the full extent of how the structure wall and the basement wall relate to each other.
We're official, Dan and James put our sign back up.
We’re official, Dan and James put our sign back up.
Afternoon break was a welcome respite for everyone.
Afternoon break was a welcome respite for everyone.
Afternoon break was a chance for everyone to see what kinds of artifacts were being found at each area of the site.
Afternoon break was also a chance for everyone to see what kinds of artifacts were being found at each area of the site.
End of the day debrief session.
End of the day debrief session…see you tomorrow!

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