Final Friday

Just a quick post to say our field school for 2024 has come to a close. It’s always bittersweet, but we have enjoyed our time with our current students and hope they had a great experience learning about and doing field archaeology.

This morning James took some of our crew out to practice surveying skills, and I kept the rest to finish up washing and bagging artifacts and to put our chaotic mass of field equipment back to rights. By this time of the field school our organized system has always failed and you can find anything everywhere all at once except for the thing you are looking for.

After a debrief session where James talked about future pathways to careers involving archaeology, we met back at the Arch Centre and had pizza for lunch and said our goodbyes. It will feel strange on Monday morning not seeing everyone!

Over the next while, I will be posting the remaining student blog posts daily, and popping in here and there as we work on analysing and writing up this season’s work.

Thanks for following along with us this season!

The crew (back row l-r): James, Cameron, David, Riley, Emily, Alex, Amelie, Kallie, Kira, Sophie, August, Bradley (front row l-r): Taryn, Xander, Emma, Kate, Alyssa, Esther, Brooklynn, Mason, Jax, Caroline. Missing: Peter.

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